August 9, 2018


Do you enjoy reading books? At Hearing Amplifier, we never forget to dedicate few hours a week to sit down quietly and get lost in the pages. According to researchers from Yale, book reading provides survival advantage of 23 months, especially among the elderly. The author of “The Read-Aloud Handbook”, Jim Trelease, also stated that we send “pleasure” messages to childrens’ brains when we read to them. Other well-known benefits of book reading include mental stimulation, stress reduction, stronger analytical thinking and writing skills. It is an effortless activity that strengthens inner peace. To celebrate Book Lovers Day, we created a reading bucket list by putting together some of our favourite books.

“From the Corner of the Oval” by Beck Dorey-Stein

 - Beck Dorey-Stein’s job as the White House stenographer was to record every meeting, interview and statement made by Barack Obama. She was always in close proximity to the president, his entourage, and travelled around the world on Air Force One. From workplace drama (aka White House drama), to glamorous travels, along with Washington hook up culture, and her own romance with a senior adviser, this book gives the ultimate inside scoop on the people and events that surrounded the president behind the public’s eye. Have you heard of The Devil Wears Prada? Well this book is the White House version.

“Hear Your Life: Inspiring Stories and Honest Advice for Overcoming Hearing Loss” by Melissa K Rodriguez

 - A great read for anyone with hearing loss or a family member with hearing problems. Melissa provides knowledge on hearing aids, is honest about the devastating effects of hearing loss, but most importantly, offers practical suggestions to achieve better hearing. “Hear Your Life” is filled with inspiring and uplifting stories about those who once struggled with hearing loss. To quote the book, “understanding your weaknesses is the first step in overcoming them. If you are experiencing hearing loss, consider it only a temporary setback.”

“Cleopatra’s Shadows” by Emily Holleman

  - To start off, this book isn’t about Cleopatra. Rather, it focuses on her two lesson-known sisters, 19 years old Berenice and 8 years old Arsinoe. The two protagonists’ alternate point of view in the novel under chapter headings “Elder” and “Younger”. Both sisters are portrayed as brave, intelligent and fascinating females who go through family, political and romantic struggles. If you’re into Egyptian tales, this book offers a new and refreshing story line.

“Pride and Prejudice” - Jane Austen

  - Nothing wrong with rereading one of the world’s most famous literatures. First published in 1813, Jane Austen’s romantic novel focuses on Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, two lovers who proved that first impressions aren’t always accurate. Witty dialogues, interesting plots and unforgettable characters, maybe it’s time to reminisce this wonderful classic.

To all the book lovers, time to read away!